Protect your creativity and control its use
Protection for creatives
Copyright law is the intellectual property protection given to those who create artistic works. It is a reward of exclusive control of the use of a person’s original works. The United States Copyright laws offer protection for original works of authorship spanning many creative endeavors. Art, music, architecture, sculptures, writings, photographs, and even software fall under the protection of copyright.
Protection is vital
In today’s internet-connected world, copyright protection is more important than ever. Photographs, movies, music, and images of protected work can be widely disseminated at the click of a mouse. Code can be copied and applications can be pirated with alarming ease. The ease with which infringement occurs in our digital world means that now more than ever it is critical to take proactive steps to protect your creative investment and copyrights.
Registration is the first step
Obtaining copyright for your original work is an important first step in securing your exclusive rights. Henry Law can assist you in formally registering your work with the U.S. Copyright Office. Registration establishes a public record of your copyright claim, acts as evidence of the validity of your copyright, and is necessary before an infringement lawsuit may be brought against an infringer. We can assist in your registration, or you can visit the Copyright Office’s registration page.
Benefits of early registration
The Copyright laws provide that if you register your work within 90 days of publication, you are eligible to receive statutory damages and attorneys’ fees from infringers. 17 U.S.C.S. § 412(2).
This means you have a limited period of time from when you first use your copyright to preserve your access to all the possible damages you might want to assert against an infringer. If you do not register your copyright within the first three months of your first use of it, you are still able to bring a lawsuit against an infringer. But if you win, you won’t be entitled to collect statutory damages or attorneys’ fees. Because copyright damages can be difficult and expensive to establish, the loss of the ability to claim preset statutory damages is a real one.
Ensuring the preservation of the entirety of your rights is a very good reason for early consultation with an IP professional. Ideally, you will have a consultation before you launch your business.
Monetizing through licensing
One way you can leverage your registered copyright as a source of income is through licensing it. No matter the geographic scope or amount of rights you are willing to license, we can help you ensure your intellectual property is contractually protected.